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Alternatively, the dream is expressing your desires to be more sexual and/or sensual

Alternatively, the dream is expressing your desires to be more sexual and/or sensual

A more direct interpretation suggest that you may be having problems with sex in your waking life

To dream that you get or have breast implants refer to your body image issues. You are feeling insecure and self-conscious about the way you look. You are not measuring up to others. The dream may also reflect your subconscious desires for bigger boobs.

To dream that you have an imposter suggests that you are trying to be someone you are not. The dream may be pointing out qualities that are uncharacteristic of your personality.

To dream that you are impotent signifies a fear of losing power. Maybe you are afraid that you won’t measure up to a particular person or task in your life.

To make an imprint in your dream means that you want to leave a lasting impression in some area of your life. It also refers to a memory or to something in the past that you are holding onto. Consider what kind of imprint is being made.

To see your in-law in your dream represents a working relationship which has many different possibilities

To dream that you are imprisoned suggests that you are feeling trapped or unable to move beyond a certain point. Perhaps your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking is preventing you from going forward.

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