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Pray, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that He will help you and rescue you

Pray, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that He will help you and rescue you

But listen, the first requirement is to accept the Lord Jesus as Your Saviour. So, the first thing you need to do is accept Jesus as your Saviour. THe way to do this is this: Get on your knees (kneel) and repeat these words: Dear Jesus, I know that i have sinned a lot in my life (and specifically mention your sins- what they are – sin is everything that you do, and think and feel that is wrong) and then say i repent of my sins (I’m really sorry for my sins) – you have to mean this from the bottom of your heart- only sincerity works. Please Jesus, forgive my sins, come into my life as my Lord and Saviour and also free me from this evil spirit and make it leave my body. I have faith in you, and i will continue to trust you and put you first in my life.

My relative has been introduced occult by his girlfriend

By the way, you can’t just say this and go off and have an affair, drink wildly, have sex with whoever (you can only have sex with your married partner), think lustfully, take drugs, or do anything else that you know in your heart and which you conscience convicts you is wrong.

If you don’t do this, then i don’t know how effective other measures will be

Once you accept Jesus as your saviour, the Holy Spirit should enter your body. The Holy Spirit is Good, and also God. He is the third in the trinity. Look up in the internet from the sources born again Christian sources. Or from Baptist, Presbyterian and Christian city churches.

IF you want to be freed from the evil spirit and it is really hurting you- this is the way.

I believe it is has gone to far. He has been hearing voices and having multiple identities.

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