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The Secrets Of A Former Narcissist: The Weird Ways We Go About Dating

The Secrets Of A Former Narcissist: The Weird Ways We Go About Dating

Step into this scene: You walk into a crowded party with a sea of faces, most of them friendly and beaming. But instead of getting a surge of excited curiosity, you feel an overwhelming sense of pressure.

Then you imagine, “What are they thinking about me? Am I attractive enough? Are they looking at someone more beautiful? How can I appear more desirable? Please look at me. You don’t want to look at me? Well, you’re ugly.”

Now you know what it’s like to be a narcissist. It’s really sad, and I used to be one.В Most balanced humans would be thinking along the lines of, “Oh, she’s beautiful. He looks interesting. I want to engage this person. I hope my hair doesn’t mess up.” But then again, most people don’t have an enormous hole where their self-worth should be. Narcissists do.

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